Monday, May 30, 2011

Day One of 3 marathons in 3 days: The 'Peter Ryall Marathon' (named after my nephew who has autism)

Finishing a marathon!  (Not a medal or goodie bag in sight!)
Okay, I'm actually writing this shortly before I run my second marathon, but I'd still like to give a brief report.  I called this run the Peter Ryall Marathon, as I'd be running to his house three times.

Time? 6 hours and 1 min
Where? Coppull and Standish - 3 laps of an 8.7 mile route

The plan of the route was great.  I had two 'aid stations' set up: my house and my sister's house.  The lap started and ended at my house so I had two opportunities there to pick up drink and supplies.  Halfway through the lap was my sister's house, so I had three opportunities to take on board whatever I needed, leaving my carrying of stuff to a minimum.  To always be running to one or the other was psychologically a real boost.

Friday, May 27, 2011

78.6 miles - can I do it?

The route for the 'Peter Ryall' marathon on Sunday
When I started this challenge at the beginning of the year, it was a huge jump in running mileage for me.  I'd need to average 100 miles a month.  To put that in context, last year I ran 100 miles in November and December combined.  At the time, that was a big achievement for me.

Now, I stand on the brink of trying to run 3 marathons in 3 days.  The big question in my mind is 'Can I do it?'  Maybe the bigger question that I should be asking myself is 'Why am I doing it?'  A big reason why I'm doing it has been to focus on something over the last two months, something to aim for.  It has been a reason to channel my running before the start of the preparations for Stok Kangri and the Summer ahead.