Sunday, March 27, 2011

Liverpool Half Marathon - Sunday 27th March 2011

Done!!  Finished in a time of 2 hours 40 minutes, which ain't bad for a gorilla!  There's a link to the video here 

It was a truly memorable day, but I'd like to share with you one particular story that I think is truly amazing:

I'll try to do this justice.

The last 'thousands of people' race I did was with my dad and sister, years ago, the 2002 London Marathon. Carla, my dad and I ran the whole distance together. Running a marathon is hard in itself, but it's even harder to stick together because you want to do things at your own pace. Even though it was over 9 years ago, I still remember

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WAAD, Stok Kangri, Gorillas and more!

I feel like got a lot to write about!

Stok Kangri
I've had a ton of ideas I've wanted to put in motion.  But first, I thought it best to announce that officially I am going to climb Stok Kangri in the Summer.  I've held back, but as Eddie Izzaard says, 'Sometimes you just have to go for it.'  Stok Kangri is a 6,137m high Himalayan peak in Northern India.  It 'll mean a lot of saving from me for the next six months, but it'll be worth it.  I'll get to realise an ambition, to climb a high altitude peak!  It seemed like the time was write to change to challenge to 'Running 1000 miles and Climbing Stok Kangri'.

The mountain will take a week to climb to the top with a couple of days to descend.  At just over 6,000m high, it's taller than Kilimanjaro.  To climb it in August, I've set my running goal to get to 600 miles by the end of June, have July and August 'off' for c

Monday, March 14, 2011

Here comes the Gorilla Run......Liverpool Half Marathon!

Two massive runs tonight! I'm going to run the Liverpool Half Marathon a week on Sunday........dressed as a gorilla! So tonight, did a 3.3 mile run in just my normal running gear, then drove to do a mile and a half run dressed as a gorilla! Day One of gorilla training done....Sunday 27th March....Here we come!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lancaster Trimpell 20-Miler

Last Sunday's run was brilliant, as I managed to smash my expectations, finishing in 3 hours 42 minutes!  I also broke my personal best for the half-marathon in the first 13 miles!  I ran this event with Carla, my sister, and Frank, my brother-in-law, which made it even more special.  In fact, my sister and I stuck together the entire distance, crossing the line hand-in-hand.  Words can't express how special that was.

I was hoping to write much more than this, but I've been really unwell all week, and not done anything that even closely resembles running.  I'm hoping to get back on the horse soon.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Running, Running, Running

I’m amazed to say that the fundraising has risen to almost £450, inc. gift aid, already!

A massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored me.  It really does make it all worthwhile.  I was bowled over by the support I got before, during and after the London 50k.  It was incredible.

This Sunday, I’m running the Lancaster Trimpell 20-miler.  Sure, I’m looking forward to the challenge, to pushing myself once again.  But also, I love the fact that as I run each mile, I’m running to promote autism awareness, and to raise money for the National Autistic Society.