Monday, July 29, 2013

Cotswold Way Itinerary 2013

Day Zero (Thur) - Drive down to Bath, stay at YMCA
Day One (Fri) - Coach up to Chipping Campden, Run 17 miles from Chipping Campden to Hailes
Day Two (Sat) - Run 27 miles from Hailes to Cranham
Day Three (Sun) - Run (?) 25 miles from Cranham to North Nibley
Day Four (Mon) - Run(?) 33 miles from North Nibley to Bath
Day Five (Tues) - Drive home to Wigan

Saturday, July 27, 2013

6 days to go...

So sorting out the accomodation for Bath next week had definitely left me with that 'gulp' feeling and the reality of what I've signed up for is kicking in.  Day One of 17 miles seems like a mild warm-up compared with what will come after.  I think realistically I have to be ready for the plan and strategy being flexible but also enjoying the adventure at the same time.  Looking forward to the adventure either way!  Staying at the Bath YMCA, has there ever been a place where you could literally 'get yourself clean'?