Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Guide to Running in a Gorilla Suit

I am partial to a bit of monkey running!

I first got the idea back in March 2011 when I had the Liverpool Half Marathon coming up.  I'd just ran a 31-miler and a 20-miler so knew I could 'up my game' for the half marathon to generate more awareness of my running for autism.  At first, I thought I'd run it in my american football gear, to get the attentions of my former american football team-mates.  But then, I still had a gorilla suit I'd borrowed off my 'brother from another mother' Stu.  So, I trained it in it one Monday and Wednesday night and was ready for the Liverpool Half.

My Guide to 'Running in a Gorilla Suit'
  • First of all, it's hard to tell where you're going.  I can see where I'm going, but only just.  I use a bandana over the top of the mask to keep it in place, but the eye-holes are only so big.  It can get quite disorientating, especially after running 20 miles in the Liverpool Marathon!
  • Secondly, you sweat - a lot.  You only have to walk around in the thing and you start sweating, which means you have to drink water, constantly.  If you don't drink constantly, you quickly get a headache from dehydration, which isn't good.
  • You get tons of support.  It's the reason I did it.  The support from the crowds in Liverpool have been electric, amazing.
  • You get lots of the same joke - constantly.  Now, I'm gonna sound like a grumpy old man now, but the 'Do you want a banana?' and the 'It must be hot!' comments wear a bit thin after a while.  I know, I know, I'm a grumpy old man.  But it's part of the challenge that you have to prepare for psychologically.  After 8 miles of the Liverpool Marathon, I was getting loads of the same comments which was hard to deal with, so I stuck my earphones on and chilled out with some White Album from The Beatles.
  • And finally, the kids absolutely love it.  It's worth it just to see how many laughs you get from kids in the crowd.

  • My training video and my Liverpool Half Marathon Video


The Liverpool Half was amazing fun!  Then, in September I started to have the idea for the Liverpool Marathon.  I'd already just run a marathon at the end of August, and so knew I had the long-term stamina.  The Liverpool Marathon was a huge event.  Even if I couldn't manage it, I knew it would give great publicity to the National Autistic Society.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Liverpool Marathon 2011 in a Gorilla Suit

In what was a REALLY tough slog, I completed the Liverpool Marathon in 7 hours 16 minutes.  It was one of the hardest days of running I've ever done and really tested my spirit.  The support from Liverpool was fabulous though, the highlights being the young lad who ran with me for 3 or 4 miles to keep me going.  Yes the picture above is of me!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Preston Race Series 2011

Last Sunday I took advantage of a local series of short races to run in the gorilla suit.  I ran the 2k fun run, followed by the 10k and finally the 5k.  My pace was extremely slow due to the suit, but it was great again to raise awareness of autism.  The announcer kept giving me a mention, as you can tell in this video!